1. 💭 Unloading thoughts

1. 💭 Unloading thoughts

First, let's remove the basic anxiety that you will have nothing to write about in the future - for example, tomorrow or in a couple of days).

Take time today to jot down a list of 30+ things and topics that you care about.

A few recommendations:

  1. Set aside at least 15 minutes of quiet, private, smartphone-free and notifications to muffle external emotional stimuli.
  2. Before starting, meditate or breathe for at least a few minutes with your eyes closed - this will help to hear your inner voice.
  3. Observe the thoughts in your head and write down what worries you, that is, emotionally moves
  4. Write down or even sketch ideas and images by hand (we will talk more about this in the topic about freewriting)
  5. Don't edit, limit or criticize ideas that come up - ship thoughts, take out the trash
  6. Do not leave the premises (or where are you there?) Until you write at least 30 points

The list of topics that excite you is your source of energy. It will not dry out while you are experiencing emotions :) Let this list be at your fingertips, when suddenly, sitting / getting up / lying down behind the writing of a post, all thoughts disappear from your head. 🖤

What you wrote down may be not only a topic, but also an unfinished business, or a not-yet-made decision. If you have the strength and attention, sort it out. One way or another - see you tomorrow! Don't forget to mark how you liked the material to get the next one tomorrow. ❤️

These and any subsequent tasks are optional. You can do them sequentially, inconsistently, anytime you want.