Are you writing to a business audience and want to respond to the worldview of your clients and partners? Here are five proven templates to help you write about business in a way that grabs attention, reaction, and remembrance for those who need to be remembered.
📊 1. The mistakes & the lessons
Help people learn from your mistakes, and you’re seen as the authority.
What’s the fastest way to provide value to someone else? Point out the CAUTION signs and tell them where to go instead. All great business writing follows this same format:
- Decision
- Outcome
- Mistake
- Lesson
🗂 2. The frameworks
«Want to solve X? Follow 1–2–3.»
Every great business How To article or thread can be reduced down to this simple formula.
- Name the problem
- Pinpoint actionable steps
- Celebrate outcome
The difference between aspiring writers and professional writers, or aspiring leaders and professional leaders, always comes down to the individual’s ability to clearly communicate information.
And the single most effective way to communicate information is to put it inside a box.
Boxes are easier to remember, organize, and store in our minds.
Vadik notes: «The next level of your wisdom is already a set of rules and principles, which can then be formed in you even into a whole book (like in Ray Dalio with his «Principles»).»
🔮 3. The future — here’s why
Business readers love speculating about the future. There’s something about speculating about the future that puts you in a position of power.
It usually doesn’t even matter if you end up being right or wrong—the simple fact that you’re willing to share what you THINK communicates authority, leadership, creativity, and confidence.
So, to position yourself as an authority, speculate.
- Where is the future of your industry headed?
- Why? What’s your thesis?
- Cite 2–3 studies/stats
- Hoorah! You did it.
📌 4. Category POV
POV - point of view
Master-level business writers don’t hammer away about the brand.
They educate readers on the category.
- Share what’s wrong with the old category
- Name & Claim new category
- Describe the outcome after moving from old to new
You are helping them become conscious of all the problems they are currently experiencing, and then you’re educating them on all the ways those problems cease to exist over here in this new and different category.
🎎 №5. Myths
Everybody loves «insider information.»
Your domain expertise is an opportunity to pull the curtain back and share what’s REALLY going on.
- What do most people think, but get wrong?
- What does the world NEED to know?
- What does this knowledge unlock?
Readers love this stuff. We already had a lesson about this, this one: 🪓 19. Serifs from the past